

Calculates the matrix of first mean passage times for an ergodic transition probability matrix.


(k, k), an ergodic Markov transition probability matrix.


(k, k), elements are the expected value for the number of intervals required for a chain starting in state i to first enter state j. If i=j then this is the recurrence time.


Uses formulation (and examples on p. 218) in [KS67].


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from giddy.ergodic import fmpt
>>> p=np.array([[.5, .25, .25],[.5,0,.5],[.25,.25,.5]])
>>> fm=fmpt(p)
>>> fm
array([[2.5       , 4.        , 3.33333333],
       [2.66666667, 5.        , 2.66666667],
       [3.33333333, 4.        , 2.5       ]])

Thus, if it is raining today in Oz we can expect a nice day to come along in another 4 days, on average, and snow to hit in 3.33 days. We can expect another rainy day in 2.5 days. If it is nice today in Oz, we would experience a change in the weather (either rain or snow) in 2.67 days from today. (That wicked witch can only die once so I reckon that is the ultimate absorbing state).